Samsung Galaxy S5 Homescreen

As we know Samsung Galaxy Series known on their Touchwiz UI.As Samsung Galaxy S 3 release new Touchwiz UI was revealed an d the Touchwiz innovation improved as the y release new Samsung Gadgets.As like the new Samsung Galaxy S5 Touchwiz UI.

New Touchwiz comes up with Circular icons and new kind of animation.They also c hanged their famous Accuweather widget a nimation to be more elegant than Galaxy S4 accuweather.

Samsung Galaxy S5 is running at 4.4.2 And roid Kitkat so expect that all features of Kitk at was also at this Smartphone.

Lockscreen also change its animation effect and include the fingerprint scanner features for security purposes.This features was one of new added twist of this Samsung Galaxy S series. But No Water Proof or Better Camera than other Smartphone like Nokia and Sony But Samsung does not stop innovating so we just have to wait for more...

Rumored Specs:Samsung Galaxy Note 4

Samsung Galaxy S5 Unpacked Feb. 2014

After the success of the Samsung Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3.Samsung now show th e most awaited new design of the Galaxy S series.

Samsung Galaxy S5 has been unpacked last February 24,2014 at Centre Convencion s Internacional Barcelona around 20:00 CE T (2 p.m. EST) with new specification and n ew design.

Samsung Galaxy S5 Specification

Samsung S5 had new Touchwiz Ui that bas ed on new release Android Operating Sytem (Kitkat).It look very nice with this new circul ar icons but did not change a lot in their To uchwiz UI design homescreen.

Samsung S5 new fingerprint scanner locks creen features was i love about this new Sa msung Galaxy S series.It gives us more sec urity and maintain your privacy on the phon e. Shealth release new features that measure the rate of your Heartbeat but as a normal u ser this features was not that useful. Samsung Galaxy S5 will be availbe this APRIL,2014..

You want the Samsung Galaxy S5 Wallpaper visit my other blog here

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Watch the Youtube Video of Samsung Galaxy S5 here